The Shake Shop

Welcome to The Shake Shop blog page. Nutrition is our business and we are here to help. If there is something you are searching for to help you lose weight, gain weight, or just improve your health please contact us we would love to help!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What to say

I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THAT....... all I know is I have lost 26 pounds 16 1/2 inches and have been on the products for 11 years and my allergies no longer bother me.....

You need to find out if they are serious and ask if they what to learn about the products or the business.... then you invite them to the next meeting.....

You Have to know the Herbalife Story....

You have to have the RING RING



  1. this is where I will write about things that we need to do to make money....

  2. while you at myherbalife you might check out the wellness coach that is something you might want to do..
